I love simple, easy solutions to complicated, difficult problems. The simpler, the better! For example, would you like to be very wealthy? Do you want to get rich, big time? Many people do, and they waste valuable time and energy worrying about how to solve the problem of obtaining great wealth. That's a shame, because the solution is really very simple.
In order to get rich, just meet and introduce yourself to two new people every day. Share a bit of information about yourself and what you do, and if it seems appropriate exchange contact information.
In order to get rich, just meet and introduce yourself to two new people every day. Share a bit of information about yourself and what you do, and if it seems appropriate exchange contact information.
But don't force anything. Most of the time there won't be a future with the person you meet -- especially since it doesn't matter who that person is. Don't "cherry pick" your daily two people. Don't limit yourself to people whom you believe can do something for you. It's a numbers game, and tomorrow is another day.
I could say more about this wealth-building technique, but that would undermine its simplicity, wouldn't it? So just go out there and get started.
I'll see you at the bank.
I'll see you at the bank.
One of my favorite sources for easy answers to complicated problems is the website of Entrepreneur Magazine -- www.entrepreneur.com. I heartily recommend that site for practical panaceas for perplexing problems.
For example, do you want to turn six dollars into a hundred thousand dollars? It's easier than you think.....
Would you like to turn your deepest fears into moneymaking opportunities? Very well then......
Do you want to feel confident in situations where you really have no idea what you're doing? Of course you would.....
It may seem like I'm being somewhat sarcastic here, but I really do love this material. Maybe the idea of easy solutions to complicated problems is a beautiful dream -- or maybe it's more than a dream. As a great poet once wrote, "Do I wake or sleep?"