What people can do and what they should do are often two different things. You can defend yourself in a court of law, but it's probably better to have an experienced lawyer. You may be physically capable of flying an airplane, but that doesn't mean you should go out today and taxi down the runway. The fact is, technical innovations almost never cancel out the need for experience and expertise, however it might seem to the layman.
There's no question that social media sites are revolutionizing the executive search industry. The most revolutionary of all is LinkedIn. So here we are! But who are we? And what are we doing here?
A couple of Forbes articles (see links below) provide a good overview of the changes that are taking place and the illusion (in my opinion) that this will turn executive recruiting into an out-of-date profession.
It's certainly true that both employers and candidates can now do much of the initial legwork on their own. I think that's great -- because the initial legwork is may not be the easy part, but it's not really where the skill set of a recruiter comes into play. Especially in upper-echelon jobs, there are many. many matters that need to be resolved after the contact has been identified. Further, there are sensitive ethical and legal issues about making a first contact that need to be handled correctly.
I view social media as a great opportunity for my business . That's why I'm here. I want the initial contacts to be made as easily and as plentifully as possible. and I want to make lots of them myself too. But there's lot more to closing a deal, and that's where I can come in. As they say, God is in the details. Or is it the Devil that's in there?